eBook: Philip's RGS Essential School Atlas (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Philip's Maps 
系列: Philip's World Atlas
分類: Educational: Geography ,
Atlases & maps (Children’s/Teenage) ,
For National Curriculum Key Stage 3  
書城編號: 27094605

售價: $143.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Octopus
出版日期: 2023/07/20
ISBN: 9781849076692
>> 相關實體書

"An excellent world atlas. Very illuminating, good colours, clear texts...good glossary and, last but not least, up-to-date". Amazon customer review- The ideal school atlas for Key Stage 3 pupils and Scotland's National Qualifications., 11-14 years old- All updated for 2021-2022 specifically to meet curriculum needs- Specially focused 16-page UK and Ireland section- Comprehensive 62-page world section includes thematic maps on the environment, climate change, people, quality of life, and energy- Published in association with the Royal Geographical SocietyPhilip's RGS Essential School Atlas has been specially created for lower-secondary geography students (11-14 year olds). The maps have been carefully designed to be uncluttered and easy to read, containing specially selected place names and detail. A clear set of symbols and scale information accompanies every map, with a useful introductory section covering basic atlas skills, including aerial photographs and satellite images to further explain particular features on the maps. Latitude and longitude co-ordinates are included in the index, alongside figure-letter references. Fully up-to-date, the atlas includes detailed regional maps, charts and satellite images of Europe, Italy, the Middle East, China, Japan, Kenya, USA, Brazil, and the Arctic and Antarctica. It also focuses on areas of special interest for students of geography, such as Japan's volcanoes and earthquakes, conservation in Kenya, and water supply in the USA.Philip's RGS Essential School Atlas is ideal for special project work and is available in both hardback and paperback editions.
Philip's World Atlas
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