eBook: One Man on a Bike: Adventures on the Road from England to Greece and Back (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Georgiou Richard Georgiou 
分類: Motorcycles: general interest ,
Travel & holiday ,
Travel & holiday guides  
書城編號: 27095891

原價: HK$65.00
現售: HK$61.75 節省: HK$3.25

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製造商: Mortons Books
出版日期: 2020/02/08
頁數: 258
ISBN: 9781911658856
>> 相關實體書

Take one self-deprecating idiot with a sense of humor and a sense of adventure but no sense of direction, add one thoroughly vindictive GPS and one motorcycle, and you have One Man on a Bike. This is a record of author Richard Georgiou’s month-long solo trip from England to Greece and back on his motorbike. With his incredible propensity for disaster, he bumbles through Europe in his own special style attempting to absorb his surroundings while keeping his inner Mr Angry at bay. Sometimes he succeeds, sometimes he really doesn’t. Follow Richard through his 6000-mile, little boy’s adventure. You might be laughing with him or (more likely) at him, but by the end of the book you’ll understand a little more about what it’s like being someone who struggles to reach the dizzy heights of average.
Georgiou Richard Georgiou 作者作品表

eBook: One Man on a Bike: Adventures on the Road from England to Greece and Back (DRM PDF)

eBook: One Man on a Bike: Adventures on the Road from England to Greece and Back (DRM EPUB)

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