eBook: Innovative Approaches to Research in Hispanic Linguistics: Regional, diachronic, and learner profile variation (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Fernandez Cuenca Sara Fernandez Cuenca, Judy Tiffany Judy, Miller Lauren Miller 
系列: Issues in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics
分類: linguistics ,
Latin-American Spanish  
書城編號: 27190760

售價: $1144.00

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製造商: John Benjamins Publishing Company
出版日期: 2023/06/15
頁數: 260
ISBN: 9789027252807

This volume presents research from across the subdisciplines of Hispanic Linguistics in an attempt to showcase how new research methods, together with a renewed focus on language variation, have advanced our field. This volume is divided into three sections of original research, with the first describing regional variation of Spanish, the second synchronic variation, and the third learner profile variation. Such nuanced descriptions and analyses would not be possible without new variationist research methods and big-data techniques such as the use of online corpora and data reduction analyses. These overarching themes represent a paradigm shift affecting the whole of Hispanic Linguistics, and are, therefore, best appreciated in an edited volume composed of diverse manifestations of trends like those included herein. The data from these submissions were originally presented at the Hispanic Linguistics Symposium hosted by Wake Forest University in 2021.
Issues in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics

eBook: Revisiting Modality: A corpus-based study of epistemic adverbs in Galician (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Revisiting Modality: A corpus-based study of epistemic adverbs in Galician (DRM PDF)

The Fine-grained Structure of the Lexical Area: Gender, appreciatives and nominal suffixes in Spanish (Hardcover)

eBook: Fine-grained Structure of the Lexical Area: Gender, appreciatives and nominal suffixes in Spanish (DRM PDF)

eBook: Fine-grained Structure of the Lexical Area: Gender, appreciatives and nominal suffixes in Spanish (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Innovative Approaches to Research in Hispanic Linguistics: Regional, diachronic, and learner profile variation (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Innovative Approaches to Research in Hispanic Linguistics: Regional, diachronic, and learner profile variation (DRM PDF)

eBook: Study Abroad and the Second Language Acquisition of Sociolinguistic Variation in Spanish (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Study Abroad and the Second Language Acquisition of Sociolinguistic Variation in Spanish (DRM PDF)

Sound, Syntax and Contact in the Languages of Asturias (Hardcover)

eBook: Sound, Syntax and Contact in the Languages of Asturias (DRM EPUB)

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eBook: Syntactic Geolectal Variation: Traditional approaches, current challenges and new tools (DRM PDF)

eBook: Syntactic Geolectal Variation: Traditional approaches, current challenges and new tools (DRM EPUB)

Syntactic Geolectal Variation: Traditional approaches, current challenges and new tools (Hardcover)

eBook: Linguistic Landscape in the Spanish-speaking World (DRM EPUB)

eBook: East and West of The Pentacrest: Linguistic studies in honor of Paula Kempchinsky (DRM PDF)

eBook: East and West of The Pentacrest: Linguistic studies in honor of Paula Kempchinsky (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Advancedness in Second Language Spanish: Definitions, challenges, and possibilities (DRM PDF)

eBook: Advancedness in Second Language Spanish: Definitions, challenges, and possibilities (DRM EPUB)

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