eBook: Letters from a Stoic (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Richard M. Gummere 
分類: Western philosophy: Ancient, to c 500 ,
Ethics & moral philosophy  
書城編號: 27195112

售價: $26.00

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製造商: Prakash Books
出版日期: 2022/09/01
ISBN: 9789358561081

What is the importance of friendship? How do we deal with challenges in life? And how do we look death in the eye and be not afraid? Letters from a Stoic is a compilation of carefully chosen letters that Seneca penned to Lucilius, letters which are personal essays that answer the questions stated above and many, many more. Translated from Latin into English by Richard M. Gummere, these are letters on a wide variety of topics, such as on having quiet conversations, on suicide, on the dynamic of a master-slave relationship, on grief, on god, and even on welcoming death. So, here is a book to give you a peek into a rich and complicated mind, a book that holds letters both beautiful and pensive, written by one of the greatest philosophers ever.
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