eBook: Grim Tales (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: E. Nesbit 
書城編號: 27195211

原價: HK$13.00
現售: HK$12.35 節省: HK$0.65

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製造商: Double 9 Books
出版日期: 2023/05/01
ISBN: 9789358711066

The Grim Tales collection, which contains seven short tales by E. Nesbit. The tales, which cover subjects like death, fear, and the occult, are renowned for their dismal overtones. The terrible tale of a picture that curses its owners is told in The Ebony Frame, one of the most well-known tales in the collection. On the eve of his wedding, the main character in John Charrington's Wedding is a man who is haunted by memories of his deceased lover. The main character of the strange story Uncle Abraham's Romance is an elderly guy who becomes fixated with a young lady. Nesbit investigates the mysteries of a haunted estate in The Mystery of the Semi-Detached, while From the Dead recounts the tale of a man who is brought back to life and must bear the repercussions of his earlier deeds. In Man-size in Marble, a hamlet is terrorized by an old curse, while in The Mass for the Dead, a widow who has just lost her husband gets a disturbing message from the afterlife. Nesbit's Grim Tales tales are written with her signature wit, humor, and capacity to create enduring characters, despite the stories' ominous subject matter. The anthology is still read and cherished by enthusiasts of the genre since it is a classic of Victorian horror.
E. Nesbit 作者作品表

The Book of Dragons (Hardcover)

The Book of Dragons (Paperback)

Mann und Dienstmädchen (Paperback)

Homme et femme de chambre (Paperback)

In Homespun (Paperback)

The Book of Dragons (Hardcover)

The Phoenix and the Carpet (Paperback)

The Book of Dragons (Paperback)

Wet Magic (Paperback)

The Enchanted Castle (Paperback)

eBook: Phoenix And The Carpet (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Story Of The Amulet (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Enchanted Castle (DRM EPUB)

The Phoenix And The Carpet (Paperback)

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