eBook: Margin of Victory: How Technologists Help Politicians Win Elections (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Pearlman Nathaniel G. Pearlman 
系列: New Trends and Ideas in American Politics
分類: Media studies ,
Politics & government ,
Political structure & processes ,
書城編號: 27210309

售價: $527.00

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製造商: Bloomsbury Publishing (USA)
出版日期: 2012/04/06
頁數: 280
ISBN: 9798216114802
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This book illuminates modern political technology, examining important technologies, companies, and people; putting recent innovations into historical context; and describing the possible future uses of technology in electoral politics.Despite a decade of political technology's celebrated triumphs-such as online fundraising of the presidential campaigns of McCain in 2000, Dean in 2003, and Obama in 2008; or the web-enabled, socially networked campaign of Obama 2008-the field of e-politics is still at an unsolidified stage. Margin of Victory: How Technologists Help Politicians Win Elections offers an unprecedented insiders' view of the fast-changing role of political technology that explains how innovations in the use of new media, software tools, data, and analytics hold yet untapped potential. Contributions from leading practitioners in this highly specialized field cover everything from political blogs to targeting mobile devices to utilizing software created specifically to manage campaigns. The book documents how political technology is still in an early stage, despite its enormous advances in recent years, and how the strategies that work today will inevitably be superseded as new technologies arrive and potential voters become less receptive to the previous campaign's tactics.
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