Pretty Sensation! (Paperback)
作者: Jamie Collins 
書城編號: 27218327

原價: HK$190.00
現售: HK$180.5 節省: HK$9.5

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出版社: Lightning Source Inc
出版日期: 2023/09/23
重量: 0.42 kg
ISBN: 9798218274757


Love, Ambition, and Second Chances?

Casey Singer is back and more determined than ever. No longer the wild child who once traded love for the limelight, a decision that cost her more than a broken heart. She emerges from the spotlight, time-tested and even hungrier for the perks of fame-until she learns that the one that got away is about to be married to a nobody.

This news sets Casey off on a quest to clear the decks and to push the limits in order to redeem her stagnating career as the well-oiled talk show juggernaut, heads into its seventh award-winning year, and she suddenly finds herself without an agent.

With her biggest fear coming to light - losing her edge and fading from view, Casey once again proves that old habits die-hard and goes on a bender that lands her squarely in a hotel room in Vegas with a hangover and wearing a wedding ring.

But nobody is better than Casey at turning mishaps into opportunities. She does not know the meaning of giving up. In fact, she is simply getting started.

Pretty Sensation! is the first book in the "Show Series," the continuation of Jamie Collins' women's fiction wild ride!

Explore the compelling themes of love, ambition, and the pursuit of second chances. Casey Singer's journey will captivate your heart as she navigates fame, romance, and the quest for her rightful place in the spotlight.

If you like off-the-hook heroines, searches for identity, and global adventures, this is the book for you!

Jamie Collins 作者作品表

eBook: Next-Level Gaming: AI Innovations (DRM PDF)

Next-Level Gaming: AI Innovations (Paperback)

eBook: Next-Level Gaming: AI Innovations (DRM EPUB)

So, You Want to Work in Fashion? (Board book)

So, You Want To Work With Animals? (Board book)

Seas & Oceans: An Animated Atlas

Pretty Sensation! (Paperback)

I Am Abigail: A Texas Woman's Childhood Nightmare - And Her Escape From Hell as a Sex Slave/Survivor (Paperback)

I Am Abigail: A Texas Woman's Childhood Nightmare - And Her Escape From Hell as a Sex Slave/Survivor (Hardcover)


eBook: Sexy Ink! (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Blonde Up! (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Pretty Sensation! (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Secrets and Stilettos Box Set (Books 1-4) (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Hot Mic! (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Pop! Flash! (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Sign On! (DRM EPUB)

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