This is a 4-week study that is based on biblical principles of friendship which include commitment, communication, and community.
Together we will explore the enduring witness of the good Samaritan, Zacchaeus, David the psalmist, Paul the apostle, Peter the disciple, and of course, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
This Bible study is by no means exhaustive, but it is meant to be a springboard, causing all of us to dive a little deeper and to hear from the Lord on friendship.
Jesus truly cares about our friendships because it is within the context of community that He is revealed. They will know we are Christians by our love.
If you are desiring deeper friendship with others, this study based on God's plan for community is for you.
Marjie Schaefer believes the Word of God is relevant, powerful, transformational, and life-giving to every single human being on the planet. She has spent her adult life investing in others and inviting them to join her in this pursuit of deeper truth.
Marjie has published several studies available on Amazon: Inheritance (1 Peter), Sustenance (2nd Peter), Come to the Table, Dare to Believe (James), Your Story Matters (Habakkuk), Choose Joy (Philippians), Life upon Life, I believe in the Name of Jesus (the 7 I am statements of Jesus), plus others.
Marjie and her husband Steve, live in the Seattle area and have four grown children and two grandchildren.