Baby's First Cloth Book: Cuddly Ladybug (Fabric)
作者: Ingela P. Arrhenius 
書城編號: 27236378

原價: HK$180.00
現售: HK$171 節省: HK$9

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出版社: Nosy Crow
出版日期: 2024/04/02
重量: 0.09 kg
ISBN: 9798887770413

Meet a host of garden characters illustrated in high-contrast shades to suit babies' developing vision!

Ingela Arrhenius' cheerful creatures are back in a whole new light! My First Cloth Book: Cuddly Ladybug is illustrated in the first shades and colors that babies can perceive as they develop vision in the retina and optic nerve: black, white, and red. The simple and interactive text makes for an engaging read aloud experience.

With 7 different smiling characters to find, this book will also appeal to older babies who can practice image and word recognition, as well as dexterity and speech.

Ingela P. Arrhenius 作者作品表

My First Lift-The-Flap Fairy Tales (Board Books)

Where's the Bee? (Board Books)

Where's the Tractor? (Board Books)

My Big Playbook: Farm (Board Books)

This Little Duckling: A Touch and Feel Book (Board Books)

Where's the Astronaut?: A Stroller Book (Board Books)

Where's the Unicorn?: A Stroller Book (Board Books)

Mi Pequeño Mercado (Board Books)

Dinosaurs: A Pop-Up Book (Hardcover)

Where's the Reindeer? (Board Books)

Where's the Train? (Board Books)

Dinosaurs: A Pop-Up Book (Hardcover)

Baby's First Cloth Book: Cuddly Bear (Fabric)

Bookscape Board Books: The Great Outdoors (Board book)

Where's the Owl?: A Stroller Book (Board Books)

Where's the Hen?: A Stroller Book (Board Books)

My First Book of London (Paperback)

Baby's First Cloth Book: Cuddly Ladybug (Fabric)

Where's the Fox? (Board Books)

Where's the Panda? (Board Books)

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