The Girl Who Planted Trees (Hardcover)
作者: Caryl Hart 
書城編號: 27236382

原價: HK$180.00
現售: HK$171 節省: HK$9

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出版社: Nosy Crow
出版日期: 2024/03/05
重量: 0.52 kg
ISBN: 9798887770475

"The story unfolds to show the power of intergenerational partnership as a desolate gray landscape transforms into a colorful tapestry teeming with life. At a time when many of us may feel small in the face of environmental harm, this story serves as a reminder that small actions can have a big impact."
--Sarah Pousty for School Library Journal

When a small girl discovers there was once a lush forest on the great gray mountain, she is determined to plant as many new trees as she can. And even though the blazing sun shrivels the new shoots and fierce storms wash away all her hard work . . . she never, EVER gives up.

A powerful and hopeful story about how one girl's dream inspires a whole village and how, together, they can create something incredible.

Caryl Hart 作者作品表

A Treasury of Ballet Stories: Four Captivating Retellings (Paperback)

I Can Do It By Myself! (PB) (Paperback)

Diolch am y Pethau Bychain / Thank you for the Little Things (Paperback)

When a Dragon Isn't Well (Hardcover)

When a Dragon Isn't Well (Paperback)

The Jellyfish Jiggle (Paperback)

My Small World: Underwater (Paperback)

The Safari Stomp (Paperback)

The Girl Who Planted Trees (Hardcover)

I Am Brave! (PB) (Paperback)

Meet the Dinosaurs (Hardcover)

Meet the Dinosaurs (Paperback)

When a Dragon Loves Christmas (Hardcover)

When a Dragon Loves Christmas (Paperback)

A Treasury of Ballet Stories: Four Captivating Retellings (Hardcover)

Sonny Says, "NO!" (Board book)

The Safari Stomp (Hardcover)

Sonny Says No! (Hardcover)

My Small World: Dinosaurs (Paperback)

When a Dragon Goes to School (Board book)

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