Everyday Watercolor Postcards: 100 Postcards
作者: Jenna Rainey 
書城編號: 27249334

原價: HK$200.00
現售: HK$190 節省: HK$10

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出版社: Potter Clarkson N
出版日期: 2025/05/20 (快將出版)
重量: 0.14 kg
ISBN: 9780593580523

Pass along the bright, beautiful art of Everyday Watercolor with this box of 100 colorful postcards featuring gorgeously painted animals and seascapes.

This treasure box of natural delights captures the essence of artist and entrepreneur Jenna Rainey's brand, Everyday Watercolor. A self-taught watercolor artist, Rainey creates videos, books, and workshops to share the joy of making watercolor art every day. This box of 100 postcards features twenty five of Rainey's beautiful art works, including elegantly illustrated animals and seascapes.

Each of Rainey's twenty five unique designs repeats four times, providing you with postcards to send or save. Pop a love note in the mail, add a card to a birthday gift, or hang up your favorites by your desk for a daily dose of watercolor inspiration.

Jenna Rainey 作者作品表

Everyday Watercolor Postcards: 100 Postcards

Everyday Watercolor Seashores: A Modern Guide to Painting Shells, Creatures, and Beaches Step by Step (Paperback)

eBook: Everyday Watercolor Seashores (DRM EPUB)

30 Días de Acuarela: Un Curso de Acuarela En 30 Proyectos (Paperback)

eBook: Everyday Watercolor Flowers (DRM EPUB)

Everyday Watercolor (Paperback)

eBook: Everyday Watercolor (DRM EPUB)

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