Really Cute People (Original) (Paperback)
作者: Markus Harwood-Jones 
書城編號: 27249907

原價: HK$190.00
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出版社: Carina Adores
出版日期: 2024/03/12
重量: 0.25 kg
ISBN: 9781335621955

A little domestic bliss never hurt anyone...right?

Charlie Dee is headed for burnout. They've been burned before, both by their bio family and the now-defunct queer collective they once called home. So when they're asked to take a work trip outside the city, they jump at the chance. Sure, it's additional work with no additional pay, but it's also an excuse to get out of town--and out of their own head.

That dream is shattered when Charlie opens the door to their supposedly private rental. There's a bird on the loose, circling the living room as it's chased by a cat, who is chased by a small child. The girl's parents, Hayden and Buffy, only manage to add to the chaos. They promise to leave first thing in the morning, but when a massive snowstorm rolls in, this overnight trip becomes a weeklong affair.

Reluctantly charmed by this unfiltered--if forced--look at a loving, healthy family, Charlie begins to develop feelings for both Hayden and Buffy. And they both seem to be flirting back. But when a potential promotion lures Charlie back to the city, all three will have to decide where they go from here--and what it means to truly feel at home.

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