Superheroes Don't Get Scared (Paperback)
作者: Kate Thompson 
分類: General fiction (Children's / Teenage) ,
Educational: Languages other than English ,
Personal & social issues: bullying, violence & abuse (Children's / Teenage) ,
Personal & social issues: self-awareness & self-esteem (Children's / Teenage)  
書城編號: 27270668

原價: HK$112.00
現售: HK$106.4 節省: HK$5.6

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出版社: Trigger Publishing
出版日期: 2021/08/19
頁數: 24
ISBN: 9781837964420


Superheroes Don't Get Scared... Or Do They? is an awesome rhyming tale about normalising fear and finding inner powers by realising there's a hero inside of us all.

Scared Maisie Brown dreams of being a fearless superhero because they never get frightened, right? But when Dad explains that even the strongest, boldest and bravest hero can sometimes feel afraid, and that's perfectly fine, Maisie realises there's superhero in all of us.

With fun characters, rhyming text and a wonderfully relatable take-away message about normalising feelings, this heart-warming book is an amazing addition to any little hero's bookshelf.

Kate Thompson 作者作品表

Yetis Don't Exist!: A silly, snowy rhyming adventure! (Paperback)

All I Hope For You (Paperback)

The Wartime Book Club: a gripping and heart-warming new story of love, bravery and resistance in WW2, inspired by a true story (Paperback)

Palestine A - Z (Paperback)

Couples as Parents: Explorations in Couple Therapy (Hardcover)

Couples as Parents: Explorations in Couple Therapy (Paperback)

The Wartime Book Club (Paperback)

The Wartime Book Club: the heart-warming and inspiring new novel of love, bravery and resistance (Hardcover)

The Wartime Book Club: the heart-warming and inspiring new novel of love, bravery and resistance in WW2 (Paperback)

The Little Wartime Library (Paperback)

The Little Wartime Library (Compact Disc)

Superheroes Always Fight Back (UK) (Paperback)

The Little Wartime Library: A gripping, heart-wrenching WW2 page-turner based on real events (Paperback)

eBook: Little Wartime Library: A gripping, heart-wrenching WW2 page-turner based on real events (DRM EPUB)

The Little Wartime Library: A gripping, heart-wrenching WW2 page-turner based on real events (Hardcover)

The Little Wartime Library (Paperback)

Superheroes Don't Get Scared (Paperback)

Superheroes Don't Get Scared... Or Do They? (Paperback)

eBook: Annan Water (DRM EPUB)

Secrets of the Lavender Girls: a heart-warming and gritty WW2 saga (Paperback)

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