24 Hours with Lucas Jennings (Paperback)
作者: Victoria Brown 
書城編號: 27295687

售價: $110.00

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出版社: Independently Published
出版日期: 2023/07/05
重量: 0.24 kg
ISBN: 9798844199295


What would you do if a stranger challenged you to a 24-hour bet?

Year after year, seventeen-year-old Sephora counts down to spring break. For a week, she has the chance to be whoever she wants with whomever she wants, forgetting the chaos of life the second school lets out.

She wasn't planning on this spring break being any different than others...until she met Lucas-the tall blond who was about to disrupt everything.

Neither expected their chance encounter to lead them to spend twenty-four hours together. Hour by hour, Sephora and Lucas open up to each other in a way that can only be embraced when you're young, finding the other to be exactly what they needed. It's clear to them that this is more than just a fling.

There's only one problem. They're on a cruise, and cruises don't last forever.

Victoria Brown 作者作品表

The Death Ship: Recovering the Bodies of Titanic’s Dead (Hardcover)

The Secrets We Bear (Paperback)

A Secret Road Travelled (Paperback)

24 Hours with Lucas Jennings (Paperback)

eBook: Zemsta (DRM EPUB)

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