The Art of Seeing Truth: A Splash of Art & Mystery (Paperback)
作者: Jan Murphy 
書城編號: 27303772

原價: HK$130.00
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出版社: Lightning Source Inc
出版日期: 2023/09/23
重量: 0.33 kg
ISBN: 9781647047894


What's hidden beneath the brushstrokes in a painting?

Moments after Nina, an accomplished watercolorist, receives her dream award, she glimpses a man sprawled unconscious through his open hotel room. Images of her father, found in much the same condition, spins Nina's world out of control.

Soon she is a person of interest in the man's murder. Nina, driven to clear her name, teams with Jack, the only one who believes in her innocence. Unearthing clues together means diving back into her past and all she believes about her father's role in her devotion to art.

The closer Nina gets to discovering the link between her father and the man in the hotel room, the less she trusts herself. The police are connecting the dots.

Set in and around the area known as The Galleries, a sprawl of urban kitschy shops and lush gardens, Nina finds secrets hidden in plain sight. And seeing the truth changes everything.

Jan Murphy 作者作品表

The Art of Seeing Truth: A Splash of Art & Mystery (Paperback)

Portfolio: Beginning Oil (Paperback)

eBook: Portfolio: Beginning Oil: Tips and techniques for learning to paint in oil (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Colorado Myths and Legends: The True Stories behind History's Mysteries (DRM PDF)

eBook: Colorado Myths and Legends: The True Stories behind History's Mysteries (DRM EPUB)

Colorado Myths and Legends (Paperback)

eBook: Outlaw Tales of Colorado: True Stories of the Centennial State's Most Infamous Crooks, Culprits, and Cutthroats (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Outlaw Tales of Colorado: True Stories of the Centennial State's Most Infamous Crooks, Culprits, and Cutthroats (DRM PDF)

Mysteries and Legends of Colorado: True Stories Of The Unsolved And Unexplained (Paperback)

Outlaw Tales of Colorado: True Stories of Colorado's Notorious Robbers, Rustlers, and Bandits (Paperback)

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