Macabras: The Art of Jayme Cortez (Hardcover)
作者: Fabio Moraes 
分類: Comic book & cartoon art  
書城編號: 27305998

原價: HK$280.00
現售: HK$266 節省: HK$14

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出版社: Korero Press
出版日期: 2023/11/16
頁數: 140
尺寸: 270 x 192 mm
ISBN: 9781912740215

Welcome to the world of Jayme Cortez, the master of Brazilian horror comics.

With a style that was both chilling and beautiful, Cortez created some of the most memorable covers in the genre's history. From the iconic to the grotesque, his art was a terrifying feast for the eyes. And now you, dear reader, can experience his art in all its horrifying glory.

This book features the covers Cortez produced for the publisher Outubro, each one more spine-tingling than the last, along with a look at some of his other work. So, whether you're a seasoned collector or just starting to explore the world of horror, prepare to be thrilled by the incredible art of Jayme Cortez.

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