The Talk Show Murders (Compact Disc)
作者: Dick Lochte 
書城編號: 27330510

原價: HK$370.00
現售: HK$351.5 節省: HK$18.5

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出版社: Blackstone Pub
出版日期: 2024/03/12
重量: 0.2 kg
ISBN: 9798200917877


The third book in the Morning Show Murders series by bestselling author and iconic news personality Al Roker, The Talk Show Murders finds Billy Blessing with a plate full of danger as secrets from his past threaten to make a comeback.

Before Billy Blessing was a five-star celebrity chef from New York City, before he was ever on TV, he lived another life under another name: Billy Blanchard, wily con man of the Windy City. Billy did time for his crimes, reinventing himself when he got out and leaving that part of his life far behind--or so he thought. But when he and Eddie Patton, a nosy ex-cop, are both guests on a popular Chicago talk show, the off-camera banter turns to blackmail.

But this is Chicago, and secrets have a way of getting out--and getting people killed. When Patton is found dead in his apartment hours after trying to shake Billy down, America's beloved TV host finds himself scrambling to prove his innocence, before he becomes the next poster child for celebrity scandal. Throw in a bit of romance, and Billy may have found himself in one sticky situation not even he can talk his way out of.

Fast-paced, funny, and bubbling with the inside scoop on a business they call show, The Talk Show Murders is Al Roker at his best.

Dick Lochte 作者作品表

The Talk Show Murders (Paperback)

The Talk Show Murders (Hardcover)

The Talk Show Murders (Compact Disc)

The Midnight Show Murders (Paperback)

The Midnight Show Murders (Hardcover)

The Midnight Show Murders (Compact Disc)

The Morning Show Murders (Compact Disc)

Sleeping Dog (Paperback)

eBook: Sleeping Dog (DRM EPUB)

Blues in the Night (Hardcover)

Blues in the Night (Hardcover)

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