Pws-10 (Paperback)
作者: Mmp Books 
分類: Military aircraft  
書城編號: 27332746

原價: HK$126.00
現售: HK$119.7 節省: HK$6.3

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出版社: Mmp
出版日期: 2023/11/30
ISBN: 9788367227452

"Nice and simple. And entertaining and illuminating...The new range packs plenty of potential...Recommended!"

This book takes you on a journey through its short but significant development story, exploring its service in both the Polish and Spanish Air Forces during the Spanish Civil War. Immerse yourself in the gripping accounts of duty and valor as this aircraft played a pivotal role in the conflict. Featuring scale plans in 1/72 and 1/48 scales, alongside a stunning collection of black and white period photos, this book provides an in-depth visual exploration of the PWS-10. To complete the experience, indulge in the vibrant color profiles showcasing the Polish and Spanish variants of this legendary aircraft.
Mmp Books 作者作品表

Muslim Armies 1800-1914 (Paperback)

France 1940 Vol. 1 Morane Saulnier Ms.406 (Paperback)

Spanish Colonial Troops 1828-1936 (Paperback)

Mikoyan Gurevich Uti Mig-15 and Licence Build Versions (Paperback)

Pws-10 (Paperback)

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