The Baker's Man ((Large Print)) (Library Binding)
作者: Jennifer Moorman 
書城編號: 27335049

售價: $390.00

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出版社: Ctr Point Pub (me)
出版日期: 2024/01/01
重量: 0.59 kg
ISBN: 9781638089988


"This scrumptious tale has all the magical ingredients: best friend banter, small-town drama, and the mysterious arrival of the perfect man!" --Amy E. Reichert, author of Once Upon a December

In the Southern town of Mystic Water, magic is always in the wind--and in the ovens

Anna O'Brien inherited several gifts from her late Grandma Bea: culinary superpowers, a bakery in a charming Southern town, and a mysterious box with a note:

Open the box only when you need to. You'll know exactly when you do, and you'll know what to do with it. I love you.

The night her presumed fianc

Jennifer Moorman 作者作品表

The Vanishing of Josephine Reynolds (Paperback)

The Magic All Around (Paperback)

eBook: Magic All Around (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Magic All Around (DRM PDF)

The Baker's Man ((Large Print)) (Library Binding)

A Slice of Courage Quiche (Paperback)

The Necessity of Lavender Tea: Mystic Water Series Book 2 (Paperback)

The Baker's Man (Compact Disc)

The Baker's Man (Paperback)

eBook: Baker's Man (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Baker's Man (DRM PDF)

The Baker's Man (MP3 CD)

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