Not My Circus (Hardcover)
作者: Janet Sumner Johnson 
書城編號: 27338027

原價: HK$190.00
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出版社: Switch Pr
出版日期: 2024/01/01
重量: 0.34 kg
ISBN: 9781684466221

Olivia was supposed to buy eggs at the store. Instead, she bought a circus! Between food fights and a lack of potty training, her mom is not thrilled. When Mr. Victor refuses to take the animals back, it's off to the zoo for Olivia's new friends . . . unless she can find a way to prove that she is in control of her circus. Janet Sumner Johnson (Braver Than Brave, A Bad Case of the Almosts, and Help Wanted, Must Love Books) takes a simple idiom and turns it into a hilarious story of one girl's love of animals, weaving in themes of responsibility, determination, and creative thinking.
Janet Sumner Johnson 作者作品表

Not My Circus (Paperback)

Help Wanted, Must Love Books (Paperback)

The Recess Genius 2: Tons of Talent (Hardcover)

The Recess Genius 1: Open for Business (Paperback)

Braver Than Brave (Paperback)

Not My Circus (Hardcover)

eBook: Winterton Deception 1: Final Word (DRM EPUB)

The Winterton Deception 1: Final Word (Hardcover)

A Bad Case of the Almosts (Paperback)

Braver Than Brave (Paperback)

The Recess Genius 1: Open for Business (Hardcover)

A Bad Case of the Almosts (Hardcover)

Help Wanted, Must Love Books (Paperback)

Last Great Adventure of the Squashed Peanut Butter Sandwich (Paperback)

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