My Hero Academia: Team-Up Missions, Vol. 5 (Paperback)
作者: Yoko Akiyama 
系列: My Hero Academia: Team-Up Missions
分類: Adventure ,
Graphic novels: Manga  
書城編號: 27346401

原價: HK$126.00
現售: HK$119.7 節省: HK$6.3

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出版社: VIZ Media LLC
出版日期: 2024/09/26
頁數: 208
尺寸: 191 x 127 mm
重量: 137 grams
ISBN: 9781974745630

The aspiring heroes of My Hero Academia team up with pro heroes for action-packed missions!

The ambitious Team-Up Missions Program pairs groups of aspiring heroes with pro heroes to go on action-packed missions! Although Izuku Midoriya and his U.A. High friends are thrilled to participate, there's just one catch--there's no telling who will be teamed up with whom! From top heroes to students from other classes and schools, anyone could be on the same team.

Like always, the students take on crazy challenges on the path to full-fledged herodom. To kick things off, Deku and Bakugo battle the desert island demons that traumatized even the powerful All Might! Then, these hero hopefuls learn discipline through the art of cleaning the school and the power of cuteness by playing the part of an idol!

My Hero Academia: Team-Up Missions

My Hero Academia: Team-Up Missions, Vol. 5 (Paperback)

My Hero Academia: Team-Up Missions, Vol. 4 (Paperback)

Yoko Akiyama 作者作品表

My Hero Academia: Team-Up Missions, Vol. 5 (Paperback)

My Hero Academia: Team-Up Missions, Vol. 4 (Paperback)

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