You and I Are Polar Opposites, Vol. 2 (Paperback)
作者: Kocha Agasawa 
系列: You and I Are Polar Opposites
分類: Romance ,
Graphic novels  
書城編號: 27346468

原價: HK$126.00
現售: HK$119.7 節省: HK$6.3

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出版社: VIZ Media LLC
出版日期: 2024/09/12
頁數: 200
尺寸: 191 x 127 mm
重量: 132 grams
ISBN: 9781974746392

When it comes to romance, opposites really do attract!

Miyu Suzuki is a bright and bubbly high schooler who's got a crush. There's just one little problem--when it comes to personality, the guy she's into is her polar opposite!

Suzuki and Tani have successfully confessed and are going out, but that doesn't mean it's happily ever after! As two very different people, they're still figuring out how they fit together--and how to deal with their hang-ups. Whether it's seeing each other not fully ready for the day or navigating old relationships, they've still got a long way to go!

You and I Are Polar Opposites

You and I Are Polar Opposites, Vol. 2 (Paperback)

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