Freedom Struggle of 1857 in Tamil (சுதந்திரப் போராட்&#
作者: Renu Saran 
書城編號: 27350692

售價: $130.00

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出版社: Diamond Pocket Books
出版日期: 2023/07/24
重量: 0.2 kg
ISBN: 9789359200033

It is the belief of traditional Indian nationalists that the events of 1857 are not a series of isolated and uncoordinated mutinies. In fact, it was a war of idependence for achieving freedom.
It is a turning point in which the nationalist feeling, long suppressed by the British occupation flared into violence. It convinced the Britishers that India could not be held at leisure and fear of another mutiny continued to haunt the British rulers right till 1947. That is why a lot of people consider the mutiny of 1857 as the "First war of Independence".
Renu Saran 作者作品表

Mother Teresa (Paperback)

History of Indian Cinema (Paperback)

Freedom Struggle of 1857 in telugu (1857 స్వాతంత్ర్య పోరా

Freedom Struggle of 1857 in Tamil (சுதந்திரப் போராட்&#

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Na Kehna Sikhen in Oriya (Paperback)

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Freedom Struggle of 1857 in Malayalam (1857 ലെ സ്വാതന്ത്ര്യ സ

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