How Do We Relationship?, Vol. 11 (Paperback)
作者: Tamifull 
系列: How Do We Relationship?
分類: Romance ,
Graphic novels: Manga ,
Of specific Gay & Lesbian interest  
書城編號: 27352833

原價: HK$126.00
現售: HK$119.7 節省: HK$6.3

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出版社: VIZ Media LLC
出版日期: 2024/10/10
頁數: 192
尺寸: 191 x 127 mm
重量: 127 grams
ISBN: 9781974747030

A romance of convenience between two college women soon becomes the real thing.

Shy Miwa has always dreamed of finding love, but living in small-town Japan made finding the right match difficult--especially since she likes girls! Even going away to college didn't seem to help, until one day her outgoing classmate Saeko suggests they might as well start dating each other since it's not like either of them has other options.

Miwa and Saeko have finally put the pain of their breakup completely behind them and are enjoying a fresh chance at romance. But while they both love their girlfriends, they're learning an unfortunate truth--starting a new relationship doesn't mean leaving your old issues behind.

How Do We Relationship?

How Do We Relationship?, Vol. 12 (Paperback)

How Do We Relationship?, Vol. 11 (Paperback)

How Do We Relationship?, Vol. 10 (Paperback)

How Do We Relationship?, Vol. 9 (Paperback)

Tamifull 作者作品表

How Do We Relationship?, Vol. 12 (Paperback)

How Do We Relationship?, Vol. 11 (Paperback)

How Do We Relationship?, Vol. 10 (Paperback)

How Do We Relationship?, Vol. 9 (Paperback)

How Do We Relationship?, Vol. 8: Volume 8 (Paperback)

How Do We Relationship?, Vol. 7: Volume 7 (Paperback)

How Do We Relationship?, Vol. 6, 6 (Paperback)

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