Creating Future People: The Science and Ethics of Genetic Enhancement (0002) (Paperback)
作者: Jonathan Anomaly 
分類: Ethics & moral philosophy ,
Religious ethics ,
Society & culture: general ,
Sociology ,
Psychological theory & schools of thought ,
Child & developmental psychology ,
Family psychology ,
Bio-ethics ,
Genetics (non-medical)  
書城編號: 27355618

售價: $336.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版社: Routledge
出版日期: 2024/04/09
ISBN: 9781032636573


Creating Future People offers readers a fast-paced primer on how advances in genetics will enable parents to influence the traits of their children, including their children's intelligence, moral capacities, physical appearance, and immune system. It explains the science of gene editing and embryo selection and motivates the moral questions it raises by thinking about the strategic aspects of parental choice. Professor Anomaly takes seriously the diversity of preferences parents have, and the limits policymakers face in regulating what will soon be a global market for reproductive technology. Anomaly argues that once embryo selection for complex traits happens it will change the moral landscape by altering the incentives each person faces. All of us will take an interest in the traits everyone else selects, and this will present coordination problems that previous writers on genetic enhancement have failed to consider. Anomaly ends by considering how genetic engineering will transform humanity.

Key Updates to the Second Edition

  • Significant revisions to include more details about what will be scientifically possible in the coming years and the moral issues these developments will raise.
  • New and substantial coverage of embryo selection (guided by polygenic scores) for minimizing the risk of genetic diseases.
  • Engagement with all important, new publications on the science of genetic enhancement
Jonathan Anomaly 作者作品表

Creating Future People: The Science and Ethics of Genetic Enhancement (0002) (Paperback)

Creating Future People: The Science and Ethics of Genetic Enhancement (0002) (Hardcover)

eBook: Creating Future People: The Science and Ethics of Genetic Enhancement (DRM PDF)

eBook: Creating Future People: The Science and Ethics of Genetic Enhancement (DRM EPUB)

Creating Future People (Paperback)

eBook: Creating Future People: The Ethics of Genetic Enhancement (DRM PDF)

eBook: Creating Future People: The Ethics of Genetic Enhancement (DRM EPUB)

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