The Vanity of Duluoz: An Adventurous Education, 1935-46 (Compact Disc)
作者: Jack Kerouac 
書城編號: 27370808

原價: HK$400.00
現售: HK$380 節省: HK$20

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出版社: Blackstone Pub
出版日期: 2024/08/13
ISBN: 9798212234009


Written in 1967 from the vantage point of the psychedelic sixties, Vanity of Duluoz is a fascinating portrait of the artist as a young man.

This book presents the formative years in the life of Jack Duluoz--Kerouac's alter ego--beginning with his high school experiences as a sporting jock in small-town New England and his time at Columbia University on a football scholarship. Just as Jack's glamorous new adult life begins, so does World War II, and he joins the US Navy to travel the world. The more he experiences, the more he realizes the limits of his former plans and decides to and return to New York, where he collides with the start of the Beat movement--and a riot of drugs, sex, and writing. Vanity of Duluoz was Kerouac's final work published before his death in 1969.

Jack Kerouac 作者作品表

Scattered Poems (MP3 CD)

Scattered Poems (Compact Disc)

The Buddhist Years (Hardcover)

Mexico City Blues (Compact Disc)

Mexico City Blues (MP3 CD)

PIC (Compact Disc)


The Subterraneans (MP3 CD)

The Subterraneans (Compact Disc)

David Apricot's Dharma Bums: The Complete Novel by Jack Kerouac (Paperback)

The Vanity of Duluoz: An Adventurous Education, 1935-46 (Compact Disc)

The Vanity of Duluoz: An Adventurous Education, 1935-46 (MP3 CD)

Atop an Underwood: Early Stories and Other Writings (Compact Disc)

Atop an Underwood: Early Stories and Other Writings (MP3 CD)

Visions of Gerard (MP3 CD)

Visions of Gerard (Compact Disc)

Lonesome Traveler (Compact Disc)

Lonesome Traveler (MP3 CD)

Big Sur (Paperback)

PIC (Paperback)

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