Spy Story (Paperback)
作者: Len Deighton 
書城編號: 27378445

原價: HK$170.00
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出版社: Grove Pr
出版日期: 2025/08/19 (快將出版)
ISBN: 9780802163196


After six weeks in a nuclear submarine gathering computer data on Soviet activity, the mysterious, bespectacled spy known as Patrick Armstrong is desperate to return home. But when he arrives at his London flat, it appears to be occupied by someone who looks just like him - and he finds himself propelled into the heart of a conspiracy stretching from the remote Scottish highlands to the Arctic ice.

Len Deighton 作者作品表

An Expensive Place to Die (Paperback)

Yesterday's Spy (Paperback)

Billion-Dollar Brain (Paperback)

Horse Under Water (Paperback)

Spy Story (Paperback)

Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Spy (Paperback)

Charity (Paperback)

Faith (Paperback)

Hope (Paperback)

Horse Under Water (MP3 CD)

Horse Under Water (Compact Disc)

Charity (Compact Disc)

Charity (MP3 CD)

Spy Line (MP3 CD)

Spy Line (Compact Disc)

Spy Hook (MP3 CD)

Spy Hook (Compact Disc)

Spy Sinker (Compact Disc)

Spy Sinker (MP3 CD)

Winter: A Bernard Samson Novel (Compact Disc)

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