Ghostly Tales of Bloomington (Hardcover)
作者: Stacia Deutsch 
書城編號: 27379530

原價: HK$360.00
現售: HK$342 節省: HK$18

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出版社: Lightning Source Inc
出版日期: 2023/08/07
重量: 0.32 kg
ISBN: 9781540257772


Ghost stories from the Hoosier State have never been so creepy, fun, and full of mystery!

Welcome to the spooky streets of Bloomington, Indiana!

Stay Alert! Ghosts lurk around every corner. Even the most unexpected places might be haunted by wandering phantoms.

Did you know that there are haunted paintings on the walls at Indiana University's Memorial Union? Or that a ghostly woman in black follows people around downtown? Can you believe that two children haunt one of the most beautiful houses in town?

Pulled right from history, these ghostly tales will change the way you see Bloomington forever, and have you sleeping with the lights on!

Stacia Deutsch 作者作品表

Emma: The Influence and Style of Emma Stone (Hardcover)

The Ghostly Tales of Puget Sound (Paperback)

Why We Celebrate Hanukkah: Everything to Know about Your Favorite Holiday (Hardcover)

Why We Celebrate Hanukkah: Everything to Know about Your Favorite Holiday (Paperback)

The Ghostly Tales of Phoenix (Paperback)

eBook: Ghostly Tales of Phoenix (DRM PDF)

eBook: Ghostly Tales of Phoenix (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Vashon Island Visitors (DRM EPUB)

Vashon Island Visitors (Paperback)

Ghostly Tales of Bloomington (Hardcover)

eBook: Ghostly Tales of Bloomington (DRM EPUB)

The Ghostly Tales of Bloomington (Paperback)

The Ghostly Tales of Alcatraz (Paperback)

eBook: Ghostly Tales of Alcatraz (DRM EPUB)

The Campsite Cold Case: A Boxcar Children Book (4) Volume 4 (Compact Disc)

The Campsite Cold Case: A Boxcar Children Book 4 (Hardcover)

A Dramatic Disappearance: A Boxcar Children Book 3 (Paperback)

Celebrating Hanukkah: History, Traditions, and Activities - A Holiday Book for Kids (Hardcover)

Celebrating Hanukkah: History, Traditions, and Activities - A Holiday Book for Kids (Paperback)

A Dramatic Disappearance: A Boxcar Children Book (3)Volume 3 (Compact Disc)

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