Heavy Crown (Paperback)
作者: Sophie Lark 
書城編號: 27381782

原價: HK$180.00
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出版社: Bloom Books
出版日期: 2024/01/30
重量: 0.29 kg
ISBN: 9781728294230


She was a temptation he couldn't resist...

Sebastian Gallo couldn't believe it when he saw her being stuffed into a trunk: Yelena Yenina, the only daughter of the most vicious Bratva boss in Chicago. The Bratva hate Sebastian's family--in fact, they burned his uncle alive.

He should have just left Yelena to her fate. But she fought like a Valkyrie--gorgeous, ferocious, and unbreakable. Sebastian had to save her, and after feeling the electricity between them, he knows he has to make her his, too.

Yelena is determined to never submit to a man. But she's also growing tired of being used as her father's pawn. And as their families wage a vicious battle across the city, making moves and vowing vengeance, Sebastian decides he'll fight for her heart and freedom, whatever it takes.

He knows they're meant to be together.

And he'll push her to her limits to prove it.

Sophie Lark 作者作品表

Love and Madness (Paperback)

Sparrow and Vine (Paperback)

Kingmakers: Graduation (Paperback)

Kingmakers: Graduation (Deluxe Edition) (Special) (Paperback)

Kingmakers: Graduation (Standard Edition) (Paperback)

Kingmakers: Year Four (Standard Edition) (Paperback)

Kingmakers: Year Four (Deluxe Edition) (Special) (Paperback)

Kingmakers: Year Four (Paperback)

Kingmakers: Year Three (Deluxe Edition) (Special) (Paperback)

Kingmakers: Year Three (Standard Edition) (Paperback)

Kingmakers: Year Three (Paperback)

Kingmakers: Year Two (Paperback)

Kingmakers: Year Two (Standard Edition) (Paperback)

Kingmakers: Year Two (Deluxe Edition) (Special) (Paperback)

Monarch (Paperback)

Monarch: A Dark Gothic Friends to Lovers Romance (Paperback)

Grimstone (Paperback)

Grimstone (Paperback)

Kingmakers: Year One (Paperback)

Kingmakers: Year One (Paperback)

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