Night in Passchendaele (Paperback)
作者: Scott Bennett 
書城編號: 27381814

原價: HK$290.00
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出版社: Macmillan Australia
出版日期: 2023/07/25
ISBN: 9781761265976

One bloody night. One lone survivor. One chance of redemption. France, 1919. One year after the guns fell silent across the Western Front, Lieutenant Wilfred Rhodes receives his final classified mission before he can return to Australia. He must end the command of Captain Charles Kingsley, the unhinged radical leader of the Graves Recovery Unit. Still haunted by the loss of his platoon in the Battle of Passchendaele, Rhodes infiltrates Kingsley's unit and works with the war-weary men to exhume the Australian dead. As the peaceful French countryside begins to heal Rhodes, he realises those behind his assignment are hiding something from him about that fateful night in Passchendaele. Rhodes faces a crossroads as he feels the pressure from his superiors, and the allure of Kingsley's promise of a new utopian life for him and the soldiers. Tensions mount, old wounds are reopened and the threat of further blood spilled on French soil looms in the air ... Night in Passchendaele is a cautionary tale, exploring our incessant search for belonging and the extraordinary lengths we will pursue to realise it.
Scott Bennett 作者作品表

Night in Passchendaele (Paperback)

Struwwelpeter 2: Pandemic Edition: Children's Fables for a Modern World (Paperback)

The Nameless Names: recovering the missing Anzacs (Hardcover)

eBook: White Politics and Black Australians (DRM PDF)

eBook: White Politics and Black Australians (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Nameless Names: recovering the missing Anzacs (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Elements of Resume Style: Essential Rules for Writing Resumes and Cover Letters That Work (DRM PDF)

eBook: Elements of Resume Style: Essential Rules for Writing Resumes and Cover Letters That Work (DRM EPUB)

The Elements of Resume Style: Essential Rules for Writing Resumes and Cover Letters That Work

eBook: Pozieres: the Anzac story (DRM EPUB)

31 Days Before Your CCENT Certification (Paperback)

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