The Girl in White (Compact Disc)
作者: Lindsay Currie 
書城編號: 27382218

原價: HK$370.00
現售: HK$351.5 節省: HK$18.5

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出版社: Tantor Audio
出版日期: 2023/05/09
ISBN: 9798212620222

For fans of Small Spaces and the Goosebumps series by R. L. Stine comes a chilling story about a twelve-year-old girl who must face down the most notorious ghost in her haunted East Coast town to stop a centuries-old curse that threatens to destroy everything. Mallory hasn't quite adapted to life in her new town of Eastport yet. Maybe it's because everyone is obsessed with keeping the town's reputation as the most cursed town in the US. And thanks to the nightmares she's had since arriving, Mallory hardly sleeps. Combined with the unsettling sensation of being watched, she's quickly becoming convinced there's more to her town. Something darker. When Mallory has a terrifying encounter with the same old woman from her dreams, she knows she has to do something--but what? With Eastport gearing up to celebrate the anniversary of their first recorded legend Mallory is forced to investigate the one legend she's always secretly been afraid of . . . Sweet Molly.
Lindsay Currie 作者作品表

It's Watching (Library Binding)

The Mystery of Locked Rooms (Paperback)

It Found Us (Paperback)

The Mystery of Locked Rooms (MP3 CD)

The Mystery of Locked Rooms (Compact Disc)

The Mystery of Locked Rooms (Hardcover)

It Found Us (Compact Disc)

It Found Us (MP3 CD)

It Found Us (Hardcover)

The Girl in White (Paperback)

The Girl in White (Compact Disc)

The Girl in White (MP3 CD)

What Lives in the Woods (Compact Disc)

What Lives in the Woods (MP3 CD)

The Peculiar Incident on Shady Street (Reprint) (paperback)

The Peculiar Incident on Shady Street (Hardcover)

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