The Student Leadership Challenge (0004) (Paperback)
作者: James M. Kouzes 
分類: Education  
書城編號: 27385147

原價: HK$392.00
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出版社: Jossey Bass
出版日期: 2024/05/07
ISBN: 9781394206087


A brand new edition of the bestselling book that helps students and young people to develop critical leadership skills

The Student Leadership Challenge is based on four decades of research on what people are doing when at their personal-best as leaders. With an approach tailored specifically to young and emerging leaders, this guide introduces The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership operating system, incorporating stories of leadership development from real students, as well as reflective and critical thinking activities at the end of each chapter. Readers will have opportunities to engage in each of The Five Practices, building leadership skills that translate to real world applications.

This fourth edition has been updated with new stories about topics critical to today's youth, including climate change, social justice, mental health, and virtual learning. Included with the book is access to the online Student Leadership Practices Inventory, so readers can achieve insight into their current leadership skills.

  • Learn The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership, and how they help you succeed while in school and in life
  • Get inspired by stories of students around the world who exhibit exemplary leadership
  • Practice critical leadership behaviors and engage in thought-provoking reflections
  • Assess your own potential with the Student Leadership Practices Inventory

As a result of reading and interacting with The Student Leadership Challenge, readers will emerge with a concrete leadership framework and new skills that they can take with them, wherever the future leads.

James M. Kouzes 作者作品表

Encouraging the Heart: Igniting Purpose and Providing Meaningful Recognition (0002) (Hardcover)

The Student Leadership Challenge: Student Workbook and Leadership Journal (0004) (Paperback)

The Student Leadership Practices Inventory (Lpi), Observer Instrument, 2nd Edition Revised (0003) (Paperback)

Stop Selling and Start Leading: How to Make Extraordinary Sales Happen (Compact Disc)

The Leadership Challenge, 7e with The Leadership Challenge Workbook 4e for Southern New Hampshire University (Paperback)

Learning Leadership: The Five Fundamentals of Becoming an Exemplary Leader (Compact Disc)

Adp Presents: An Introduction to the Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership Participant Workbook (Paperback)

Learning Leadership (Hardcover)

LPI: Leadership Practices Inventory Self (Paperback)

LPI: Leadership Practices Inventory Observer (Paperback)

The Leadership Challenge (paperback)

Student Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI) (Paperback)

The Leadership Challenge (Hardcover)

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