Wolfie and his brother Wolfston have just moved with their parents to a new den in the forest. To make new friends, they decide to organize a football match. But how can they find players if Wolfston believes that no one is good enough for them?
又名愛瑪.迪烏特(Emma De Woot),1960年4月15日在比利時列日市出生。早年師承於列日市聖呂克學院(Saint Luc Institute),20多年來致力為比利時及法國的兒童雜誌作畫,現在主要從事繪本創作。瑪麗阿利娜.巴文和四個兒子住在郊外,在那裡有她專屬的工作室,將會在其中為大家繼續創作更多精采作品。