Cellophane Bricks (Hardcover)
作者: Jonathan Lethem 
分類: Art forms ,
Memoirs ,
Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)  
書城編號: 27390688

原價: HK$400.00
現售: HK$380 節省: HK$20

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出版社: Ze Books
出版日期: 2024/05/07
ISBN: 9798988670001

A rapturous, ravenous celebration of visual art and storytelling from one of our most innovative writers and critical minds.

Many know Jonathan Lethem as one of our most celebrated and eclectic writers, whose iconic novels--Motherless Brooklyn, The Fortress of Solitude, Chronic City, among many others--play with genres and storytelling modes like a DJ mixing music. But Lethem grew up in his father's studio, went to art school, and, in his own words, "made hundreds if not thousands of drawings, collages, paintings, hand-drawn comics, and even two animated shorts" before diverting, at nineteen, to prose fiction. The surreal and form-defying panoply of his stories, essays, and novels celebrates--and mourns--this forsaken world of the visual and plastic arts. That leap, between the cellophane ephemerality of language and the brick-like tangibility of visual art, which operates as a sublimated wellspring for Lethem's writing, is the subject of this book.

Cellophane Bricks gathers a lifetime of Lethem's art-writing, along with stunning, full-color images from the author's own collection and elsewhere. Here we tour Lethem's fictions in response to (and in exchange for) artworks by his friends; his meditations on comics and graffiti art; his collaborations with artists and interventions into visual culture, and his portrait of the museum that was and continues to be his home, untethered from geography. More than just a compilation, Cellophane Bricks comprises a kind of stealth memoir of Jonathan Lethem's parallel life in visual culture--a ravishing assemblage that makes the perfect gift for story lovers of all kinds, and an essential, singular brick to add to your own collection.

Jonathan Lethem 作者作品表

Brooklyn Crime Novel (Paperback)

Cellophane Bricks (Hardcover)

eBook: Collapsing Frontier (DRM EPUB)

The Collapsing Frontier (Paperback)

The Collapsing Frontier (Hardcover)

eBook: Brooklyn Crime Novel (DRM EPUB)

Brooklyn Crime Novel (Main) (Hardcover)

Brooklyn Crime Novel (Paperback)

Brooklyn Crime Novel (Hardcover)

Brooklyn Crime Novel (Compact Disc)

Brooklyn Crime Novel (MP3 CD)

eBook: Brooklyn Crime Novel: A Novel (DRM EPUB)

The Arrest (Main) (Paperback)

The Arrest (Main) (Paperback)

eBook: Arrest: A Novel (DRM EPUB)

Feral Detective (Paperback)

The Feral Detective (Main) (Hardcover)

Feral Detective (Paperback)

eBook: Feral Detective: A Novel (DRM EPUB)

Blot (Paperback)

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