The Metamodern Slasher Film (Hardcover)
作者: Steve Jones 
分類: Film, TV & radio ,
Film theory & criticism ,
Film: styles & genres ,
Reference works  
書城編號: 27390796

售價: $1100.00

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出版日期: 2024/02/29
頁數: 312
尺寸: 234 x 156 mm
ISBN: 9781399520959
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It is commonly proposed that since the mid-2000s, the slasher subgenre has been dominated by unoriginal remakes of "classics". Consequently, most original slasher films have been ignored by academics (and critics), leaving the field with a limited understanding of this highly popular subgenre. This book corrects that mischaracterisation by analysing contemporary slasher films that sincerely attempt to innovate within the subgenre. I argue that these films reflect broader cultural turns towards sincerity, optimism in the face of crisis, and an emphasis on felt experience that are indicative of a metamodern sensibility. This is the first book to use metamodernism to analyse film in a sustained way, and the first academic work to use metamodernism to examine horror. The Metamodern Slasher offers readers new ways to understand the slasher film, the horror genre, and also the cultural moment we find ourselves in.

Steve Jones 作者作品表

Hollywood Confidential: 12 Secrets to Becoming the Star of Your Own Life (Hardcover)

Terminally Kill (Paperback)

Android, Assembled: The Explicit and Implicit Anatomy of Social Robots (Paperback)

Terminally Kill (Hardcover)

eBook: Terminally Kill (DRM EPUB)

Apache at War: Flying the world's deadliest attack helicopter in combat (Hardcover)

Apache at War: Flying the world's deadliest attack helicopter in combat (Paperback)

eBook: Apache at War: Inside the cockpit of the world's deadliest combat helicopter (DRM EPUB)

Call Time: The funny and hugely original debut novel from Channel 4 F1 presenter Steve Jones (Paperback)

The Ultimate Wilderness Survival Handbook: Mastering the Essentials of Food, Shelter, and Self-Sustenance (Paperback)

eBook: Metamodern Slasher Film (DRM EPUB)

The Metamodern Slasher Film (Hardcover)

eBook: Metamodern Slasher Film (DRM PDF)

Ageless Body Hacks: Look Young Feel Young Beyond 40 (Paperback)

eBook: Chasing a Dream (DRM EPUB)

Chasing a Dream (Paperback)

No Off Season: The Constant Pursuit of More: A Playbook for Achieving More in Business and Life (Paperback)

eBook: Call Time: The funny and hugely original debut novel from Channel 4 F1 presenter Steve Jones (DRM EPUB)

Call Time (Paperback)

eBook: Call Time: The funny and hugely original debut novel from Channel 4 F1 presenter Steve Jones (mp3 zips)

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