John Carr of York: Collected Essays (Hardcover)
作者: Ivan Hall 
分類: History of art & design styles: c 1600 to c 1800 ,
Individual architects & architectural firms ,
Residential buildings, domestic buildings  
書城編號: 27392847

原價: HK$600.00
現售: HK$570 節省: HK$30

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出版社: Paul Holberton Pub
出版日期: 2024/02/09
ISBN: 9781399959155

An introduction to the life and mind of one of England's most significant architects.

John Carr of York (1723-1807) was one of the most prolific and significant architects of the eighteenth century, with an output of more than four hundred designs, which range from simple gateways to the grandest schemes. Highly successful in his day, he had a recognizable style that was sensitive to the latest fashions as they continued to change. His ability to create beautiful buildings and marry this with a practical approach to both the purpose of the building and the budget of his clients won him many commissions.

Carr was born in Yorkshire in the North of England and remained there for the duration of his career. Because of this, he has often been overlooked as an architect, and his extensive output has defeated many attempts to write a complete study of his work. Although not a comprehensive review, John Carr of York seeks to situate Carr as an architect of national significance. It includes photographs and covers overarching themes such as landscape and color and some commissions in more detail.

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