Guestiquette: A Handbook for Horrible Houseguests (Hardcover)
作者: Tom Coleman 
分類: Humour ,
Parties, etiquette & entertaining  
書城編號: 27393132

原價: HK$238.00
現售: HK$226.1 節省: HK$11.9

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出版社: Andrews & Mcmeel
出版日期: 2024/08/06
ISBN: 9781524890063

Can you stay at your ex's place without things getting weird? And how do you properly apologize to your host for tequila-fueled bad behavior? Fear not! Guestiquette has the answers.

Guestiquette is the first book that takes on the complicated world of being a houseguest, offering useful, irreverent, and hilarious advice for guests and hosts. Not sure how to deal with a Schnauzer that hates you or what to do if a zombie apocalypse breaks out while you're staying at someone's home? Guestiquette has you covered.

In addition to advice, this book has fun illustrations, charts, lists, and even a recipe, that celebrate the houseguest experience. You'll also find true first-person stories from hosts and houseguests who were brave enough to share their often cringe-inducing tales, including vivid recounts of a honeymoon spent in the wrong house and a Thanksgiving dinner that would have given Martha Stewart nightmares.

Everyone who has ever been a houseguest or a host has encountered issues they're not exactly sure how to handle. Finally, there's a book for most every situation that offers help for even the most horrible houseguest.

Tom Coleman 作者作品表

Guestiquette: A Handbook for Horrible Houseguests (Hardcover)

Life Coping Skills for Teens: Mastering Life's Challenges with Confidence. (Paperback)

Mum's Guide to Self-Care: Nurturing Self-Care for Balance and Wellness (Paperback)

Road Map to Personal Empowerment: Discover your inner strength the ability to Grom the New you (Paperback)

I Actually Wore This (Hardcover)

I Actually Wore This (Hardcover)

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