Haru: Spring Volume 1 (Hardcover)
作者: Joe Latham 
書城編號: 27401860

原價: HK$230.00
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出版社: Andrews & Mcmeel
出版日期: 2024/03/12
重量: 0.54 kg
ISBN: 9781524889616

Haru, a small bird who dreams of flying, and their best friend Yama, a talkative boar, are used to being in the shadows. But when Yama finds a strange artifact that causes sinister effects, the two are swept into an epic journey to destroy the artifact and save the world.

In The Valley, best friends Haru and Yama both dream of leaving as they're bullied at school, frustrated at home, and struggling to figure out who they are. One day, a powerful artifact connects itself to Yama, and they discover that they'll have to journey to The Beacon in search of answers.

Created by artist Joe Latham, this beautifully illustrated graphic novel series is a coming-of-age tale that spans the changing of seasons. Beginning in spring and ending in spring--the cycle complete. A story of heart, growing up, and the sacrifices we make for those we love, Haru is perfect for middle-grade readers.

"My children LOVE this beautiful, touching and mystic graphic novel much much more than any of the books and TV shows I've made. And for that, I'll never forgive Joe Latham." Vali Chandrasekaran, author, The Ridiculous Race; writer, Modern Family, 30 Rock

Joe Latham 作者作品表

Haru Book 3: Fall (Paperback)

Haru Book 3: Fall (Hardcover)

Haru Book 2: Summer (Hardcover)

Haru: Book 1: Spring (Paperback)

Haru: Spring Volume 1 (Hardcover)

eBook: Haru: Book 1: Spring (DRM PDF)

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