No Going Back (Hardcover)
作者: Patrick Flores-Scott 
書城編號: 27439823

原價: HK$190.00
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出版社: Little Brown & Co
出版日期: 2024/04/02
ISBN: 9780316407502

A Junior Library Guild Gold Standard Selection

"Powerful.... The excellent pacing and heart-wrenching exploration of redemption will sweep readers up." --Kirkus Reviews

"A page-turning, highly readable story." --Booklist

"Time-stamped chapters add urgency, intensity, and excitement as the thrilling plot progresses, making for a page-turning story about forgiveness and personal evolution." --Publishers Weekly

"The fast pace of the book will keep readers engaged as they bounce between the present and the past .... the energy of Antonio's story will sweep interested readers along, and they will sympathize with his desire to become the person he knows he can be throughout this novel focused on friendship, loyalty and redemption." --Bookpage

In this tour de force about one teen's quest for redemption from the award-winning author of American Road Trip, Antonio is determined to make amends to the people he hurt most--even if it means breaking the terms of his early release from juvenile detention.

It's Friday morning, and seventeen-year-old Antonio Sullivan is on the verge of earning his early release from Zephyr Woods Youth Detention Center. Having been incarcerated for the last year and a half for a crime he didn't directly commit, he's now dedicating himself to his education and his sobriety program. What's more, Antonio is driven by a deep need to make amends to the two people he hurt the most: his mom and his lifelong best friend, Maya. The conditions of his early release are clear--Antonio can't have any contact with his father or miss his first meeting with his parole officer Monday morning. But a lot can happen between Friday and Monday, especially when the odds are against you.

Told through time-stamped chapters that race at a fever pitch over the course of a weekend, this absorbing coming-of-age novel explores what it means to right past wrongs in the face of adversity.

Patrick Flores-Scott 作者作品表

No Going Back (Hardcover)

eBook: American Road Trip (DRM EPUB)

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