eBook: Giorgio Vasari: The Man and the Book (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Thomas Sherrer Ross Boase 
系列: The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts
分類: History of art / art & design styles ,
Individual artists, art monographs  
書城編號: 27461049

原價: HK$494.00
現售: HK$469.3 節省: HK$24.7

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製造商: Princeton University Press
出版日期: 2023/10/17
頁數: 392
ISBN: 9780691252223
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A striking account of Vasari's career, friendships, and contribution to the art of the Italian RenaissanceVasari's Lives of the Most Excellent Architects, Painters, and Sculptors, first published in 1550, fixed for three hundred years general European views about the art of the Renaissance, and its influence still lingers today. While much has been written about Vasari's writings, comparatively few full-length studies have dealt with the man himself. In this book, T.S.R. Boase offers a compelling account of Vasari's life and career. At the same time, Boase explores Vasari's ideas about the art and artists he described in the two editions of his Lives, placing these reflections in their contemporary context and later developments in art history and criticism. The result is an important appraisal of Vasari's achievement, which despite its imperfections is without parallel in the history of Western art.
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Thomas Sherrer Ross Boase 作者作品表

eBook: Giorgio Vasari: The Man and the Book (DRM PDF)

eBook: Giorgio Vasari: The Man and the Book (DRM EPUB)

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