eBook: Design Techniques for Origami Tessellations (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Yohei Yamamoto, Jun Mitani 
系列: AK Peters/CRC Recreational Mathematics Series
分類: Mathematical foundations ,
書城編號: 27464314

售價: $312.00

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製造商: CRC Press
出版日期: 2023/11/09
頁數: 122
ISBN: 9781000996968
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Design Techniques for Origami Tessellations is both a collection of origami tessellations and a manual to design them.This book begins by explaining general design methods, the history and definitions of origami tessellations, and the geometric features of flat origami, before moving on to introduce a brand-new design method: the "twist-based design method." This method generates base parts that connect "twist patterns" (that can be folded with a twist) without using a lattice. Therefore, it can generate base parts such as regular pentagons, which cannot be generated with more conventional methods, and can generate new origami tessellations connected to them.Features:No proofs or formulas in the text and minimal jargon.Suitable for readers with a roughly middle school to high school level of mathematical background.Web application implementing the method described in this book is available, allowing the readers to design their own patterns.
AK Peters/CRC Recreational Mathematics Series

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