eBook: Curious Public Administrator (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: William Hatcher 
分類: Political leaders & leadership ,
Economics ,
Management: leadership & motivation ,
Public ownership / nationalization ,
Non-profitmaking organizations  
書城編號: 27465617

售價: $260.00

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製造商: Taylor and Francis
出版日期: 2023/11/09
頁數: 82
ISBN: 9781003829300
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Louis Brownlow, one of public administration's historical thinkers, once argued, "[T]he principal requirement of a good administrator is an insatiable curiosity." This book is rooted in the notion that public administrators must practice insatiable curiosity to be effective, fair, and democratic. By seeking to uncover how the world works, and therefore practicing curiosity, public administrators may be more likely to move toward evidence-based decisions, improving the efficacy and efficiency of public service. Curiosity encourages public administrators to seek answers in a caring manner and, in doing so, to empathize with the communities that they serve.First, the book incorporates the concept of curiosity into the field of public administration. Scholarship in philosophy, business administration, social science, and other scholarly fields addresses curiosity, but public administration has yet to examine this concept in detail. This book fills that hole in the literature. Second, the book presents novel primary data on curiosity in public agencies by examining curious organizations and surveying local government officers. Third, the book presents novel primary data on how public affairs faculty view curiosity and incorporate the concept in their research and the classroom. Lastly, author William Hatcher integrates this information in the book's final chapter to present a model of administrative curiosity, focusing on creating a guide for future research and teaching. Thus, this book serves as a roadmap for developing a new doctrine of curiosity in public administration theory and practice, and it will be of enormous interest to students enrolled in public affairs courses as well as practicing public administrators and nonprofit managers.
William Hatcher 作者作品表

eBook: Curious Public Administrator (DRM PDF)

eBook: Curious Public Administrator (DRM EPUB)

Love, Power, and Justice: The Dynamics of Authentic Morality (Second edition) (Paperback)

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