eBook: Good Thinking: Teaching Argument, Persuasion, and Reasoning (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Erik Palmer 
分類: Educational psychology ,
Educational strategies & policy ,
Teacher training ,
Educational material  
書城編號: 27465977

售價: $325.00

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製造商: Taylor and Francis
出版日期: 2023/10/10
頁數: 152
ISBN: 9781003841722
>> 相關實體書

Our daily communication involves argumentation and reasoning, but how well do we prepare students for these tasks? Are they able to persuade others, make solid purchasing decisions, or analyze the messages in the media? In his new book, Good Thinking: Teaching Argument, Persuasion, and Reasoning, Erik Palmer shows teachers of all subject matters how to transform the activities they already use into openings for improving student thinking. He demonstrates how to critically evaluate a point of view, understand rhetorical devises, apply logic, and build an effective argument, written or oral. Blending theory with practice, Palmer shares a wide range of classroom-tested lessons, including:How to understand argument in paintings and images Addressing ad hominem attacks using a traveling debate Creating a class comedy club, where students write syllogisms and analyze character and plot development Teaching logic through a class 'Booger Patrol' Palmer explains complex concepts in simple, practical language that gives teachers a deft understanding of the principles of good arguments, proper use of evidence, persuasive techniques, and rhetorical tricks. He reveals how all students, not just those in advanced classes, can begin developing sophisticated reasoning skills that will improve their oral and written communications, both in and outside of the classroom. '
Erik Palmer 作者作品表

eBook: Well Spoken: Teaching Speaking to All Students (DRM PDF)

eBook: Well Spoken: Teaching Speaking to All Students (DRM EPUB)

Well Spoken: Teaching Speaking to All Students (2 ed) (Paperback)

Before You Say a Word: A School Leader's Guide to Clear and Compelling Communication (Paperback)

eBook: Good Thinking: Teaching Argument, Persuasion, and Reasoning (DRM PDF)

eBook: Good Thinking: Teaching Argument, Persuasion, and Reasoning (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Own Any Occasion: Mastering the Art of Speaking and Presenting (DRM PDF)

eBook: Own Any Occasion: Mastering the Art of Speaking and Presenting (DRM EPUB)

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