eBook: Michael and Mo (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Sarah Lewis 
分類: Short stories (Children's / Teenage)  
書城編號: 27466727

售價: $46.00

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出版日期: 2023/09/15
頁數: 86
ISBN: 9781035813308
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Sometimes life doesn't start how it should and for Michael this was the case. Neglect is something that is hard to swallow but understanding that there is a way to cope and to see the world from an unfamiliar perspective can help us understand how we too can carry on through difficult times.Finding the love of family and understanding the world through imagination and the magic of nature helped Michael. Mo provides that most important of things, friendship, and companionship when things don't always turn out as they should. Mo has been sent to guide Michael through and to let him know that life can be full of love and caring. It's funny how our paths are written and how they turn out. Luckily for Michael, his path will be set by the friendship of Mo the Muskrat and the love of his Grandparents.
Sarah Lewis 作者作品表

Practical Appreciative Inquiry: A Toolkit for Applying Appreciative Inquiry to Organisational Challenges, Opportunities, and Aspirations (Paperback)

The Unseen Truth: When Race Changed Sight in America (Compact Disc)

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eBook: Michael and Mo (DRM EPUB)

Just Him and Me (Paperback)

WorldViews Junior Workbook: Project42 Edition: Project 42 (Paperback)

WorldViews Workbook: Project42 Edition (Paperback)

Time and Gender on the Shakespearean Stage (Paperback)

eBook: William and the Mysterious Letters (DRM EPUB)

English Code American 6 Assessment Book (Spiral bound)

eBook: Time and Gender on the Shakespearean Stage (DRM PDF)

English Code American 5 Assessment Book (Spiral bound)

The Slow Tourist in Flintshir: Adventures at low speed (Illustrated ed) (Paperback)

Phpp Illustrated (Paperback)

Appreciative Inquiry for Change Management (Paperback)

Positive Psychology and Change - How Leadership, Collaboration and Appreciative Inquiry Create Transformational Results (Hardcover)

Aperture 223: Vision & Justice (Colour)

eBook: Therapeutic Correctional Relationships: Theory, research and practice (DRM PDF)

eBook: Therapeutic Correctional Relationships: Theory, research and practice (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Positive Psychology and Change (DRM PDF)

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