eBook: Building Real-Time Analytics Systems (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Mark Needham 
分類: Data capture & analysis ,
Computer science  
書城編號: 27467507

售價: $533.00

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製造商: O'Reilly Media
出版日期: 2023/09/14
頁數: 220
ISBN: 9781098138769
>> 相關實體書

Gain deep insight into real-time analytics, including the features of these systems and the problems they solve. With this practical book, data engineers at organizations that use event-processing systems such as Kafka, Google Pub/Sub, and AWS Kinesis will learn how to analyze data streams in real time. The faster you derive insights, the quicker you can spot changes in your business and act accordingly.Author Mark Needham from StarTree provides an overview of the real-time analytics space and an understanding of what goes into building real-time applications. The book's second part offers a series of hands-on tutorials that show you how to combine multiple software products to build real-time analytics applications for an imaginary pizza delivery service.You will:Learn common architectures for real-time analyticsDiscover how event processing differs from real-time analyticsIngest event data from Apache Kafka into Apache PinotCombine event streams with OLTP data using Debezium and Kafka StreamsWrite real-time queries against event data stored in Apache PinotBuild a real-time dashboard and order tracking appLearn how Uber, Stripe, and Just Eat use real-time analytics
Mark Needham 作者作品表

Duckdb in Action (Paperback)

eBook: Building Real-Time Analytics Systems (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Building Real-Time Analytics Systems (DRM PDF)

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