eBook: Kattaikkuttu: A Rural Theatre Tradition in South India (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Bruin Hanne M. de Bruin, Shepherd Simon Shepherd 
系列: Forms of Drama
分類: Theatre studies ,
Dance & other performing arts ,
Dance ,
Other performing arts ,
Musicals ,
Social & cultural history ,
Tamil ,
書城編號: 27468424

售價: $199.00

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製造商: Bloomsbury Publishing
出版日期: 2023/09/21
頁數: 216
ISBN: 9781350236622
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This is the first book to offer a clear introduction to Kattaikkuttu (or Terukkuttu), a vibrant, vocal and physical outdoor Tamil theatre tradition from India. It describes the theatre's characteristic heroic nature as expressed through its principal, male kattai characters, explores its history, social status and ritual context, and examines the production of all-night plays. After placing Kattaikkuttu in the wider, competitive context of the performing arts in India, Hanne M. de Bruin introduces readers to some of the debates about the form and provides an overview of the different elements that make up a Kattaikkuttu performance. It considers its performance spaces and the way the form has changed, such as its transition towards an independent and more professional theatre genre, as well as the opening up of the form to different castes and to women. It covers the production and frameworks of all-night performances, uses the Mahabharata play Karna Moksam as a case study and examines recent changes in the Kattaikkuttu repertory. In addition, the book looks in more detail at the role of the performer, including the training of a Kattaikkuttu novice, the performance score of actor-singers that underlie a specific role or vesam, and a seasoned performer's agency in interpreting well-known roles. Finally, the study turns to recent innovations, in particular the creation of new work and the Kattaikkuttu Gurukulam.
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