eBook: Sirens Sing (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Kristel Thornell 
分類: Fiction & related items  
書城編號: 27472948

售價: $390.00

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製造商: 4th Estate
出版日期: 2022/09/01
頁數: 304
ISBN: 9781460715253

A beautiful novel from multi-award-winning writer Kristel Thornell, The Sirens Sing is about the haunting force of love and desire that ricochets between lives, across generations and through time. It is a portrait of Australian longing. The Blue Mountains, mid-1990s. Heather and David are two young people on the brink of adulthood, drawn together by their study of Italian. David is smitten with Heather, but has no idea how she feels about him. Besides Italian in common, they are both children of struggling single mothers, who raised them in the grungy Inner West of Sydney - share houses, a squat, a Housing Commission flat - before moving to Blackheath. At a festive evening to celebrate Heather's final high-school exam, events take a course that will profoundly change the lives of everyone present.Sydney, mid-1970s. Jan, the unconfident daughter of working-class parents and the first in her family to go to university, strikes up a friendship with bohemian, assured Alicia. They quickly become close. But one night down by Blackwattle Bay - the night of Gough Whitlam's dismissal - things go awry.A tender and poignant novel from award-winning writer Kristel Thornell, The Sirens Sing is a portrait of Australian longing. It explores desire, how it haunts and shapes us, and how, from generation to generation, there are echoes, overlaps and intersections in how we love, who we love, and why we love, as we are compelled to repeat the same patterns over and over again, like moths to a flame.
Kristel Thornell 作者作品表

eBook: Sirens Sing (DRM EPUB)

On the Blue Train (Hardcover)

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