eBook: Craft Communities (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Dr Susan Luckman, Dr Nicola Thomas 
分類: History of art / art & design styles ,
Decorative arts ,
Material culture  
書城編號: 27473439

售價: $995.00

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製造商: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
出版日期: 2023/12/14
頁數: 232
ISBN: 9781474259606
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Craft Communities addresses the social groups, old and new, which have developed around craft production and consumption, exploring the social and cultural impact of contemporary practices of making. Addressing a wide range of crafting practice, from yarnbombs to Shetlands shawls, brassware to paper crafting, in a variety of regional and national contexts, the contributors consider how craft practices operate collectively in the home, communities, businesses, workshops, schools, social enterprises, and online. It further identifies how social media has emerged as a key driver of the ''Third Wave'' of craft. From Etsy to Instagram, Twitter to Pinterest, online communities of the handmade are changing the way people buy and sell, make and meet.

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