eBook: Archibald Finch and the Curse of the Phoenix (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Michel Guyon 
系列: Archibald Finch
分類: Fantasy & magical realism (Children's / Teenage)  
書城編號: 27476238

原價: HK$91.00
現售: HK$86.45 節省: HK$4.55

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製造商: Andrews McMeel
出版日期: 2023/09/26
頁數: 464
ISBN: 9781524883201
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The Archibald Finch saga continueswith another thrillingadventure!It's been months sinceour heroreturned from Lemurea, but nothing is back to normal. WhenArchibaldrealizes he isn't theonlything that crash-landed at the manor that night, heknows he'll need to return to the dark world he only just left.Archibaldisa changed boy. He stands up to bullies and hangs out with the gargoyles that used to scarehim. But for all his new toughness, hes also a lost boy who misses his friends in Lemurea. Whenstrange footprints are discovered on the manor grounds, he realizes a piece of thatworldhas followed him home...Without golems, witches or magic, Archibald knows theres little to stop whats prowling the London suburbs, which means hell have to return to Lemurea to seek Faerydaes help.In a new adventure for Archibald, Hailee, Oliver, and Faerydae, two worlds collidetwo worlds with more in common than any of the kids could've imagined. A hunt for clues, golems, and Marodorsunearths someshocking answers and hard truths as Archibald and his companions embark on yet another daringjourneythat tests each of them in different ways.
Archibald Finch

eBook: Archibald Finch and the Curse of the Phoenix (mp3 zips)

eBook: Archibald Finch and the Curse of the Phoenix (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Archibald Finch and the Lost Witches (mp3 zips)

eBook: Archibald Finch and the Lost Witches (DRM EPUB)

Michel Guyon 作者作品表

Archibald Finch and the Curse of the Phoenix (MP3 CD)

Archibald Finch and the Curse of the Phoenix (Compact Disc)

eBook: Archibald Finch and the Curse of the Phoenix (DRM EPUB)

Archibald Finch and the Lost Witches (MP3 CD)

Archibald Finch and the Lost Witches (Compact Disc)

eBook: Archibald Finch and the Lost Witches (DRM EPUB)


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