eBook: New Assistive Tech, Second Edition: Make Learning Awesome for All! (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Christopher Bugaj 
書城編號: 27477376

原價: HK$273.00
現售: HK$259.35 節省: HK$13.65

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製造商: International Society for Technology in Education
出版日期: 2023/10/12
ISBN: 9781564849823

The updated edition of this playful yet professional book guides educators in selecting, acquiring and implementing technology to help all students, but particularly those with special needs. School districts often struggle to develop consistent practices for meeting the needs of special education students. In the updated edition of this bestselling book, youll learn how embracing student-centered approaches like project-based learning and growth mindset help support students with disabilities. Youll get guidance on how to plan and execute education experiences using technology centered around students individual needs. And youll discover how to effectively and consistently evaluate and select technology supports based on the specific needs of an individual student, while actively including the learner in the technology consideration process.Building on lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, this edition also explores ways to support students, especially learners with disabilities, through distance learning, and how adopting personalized learning principles can help facilitate a smooth transition to distance learning.This revised edition:Includes new content on the necessity and long-term benefits of making educational materials accessible.Offers guidance on expanding practices that are already inclusive, such as increasing the flexibility of learning spaces and establishing gaming and maker clubs.Explains how to conduct and document assessments to help an educational team make informed decisions about technology needs.Assists individuals or teams in creating an action plan for developing a culture of inclusion.Interweaves stories, songs and other features to make learning fun!With his accessible approach and conversational style, Christopher R. Bugaj takes what can sometimes be an intimidating topic and makes it relevant and easy to understand, with examples that illustrate how to reach all learners in every classroom.Audience: Elementary and secondary educators; education coaches and administrators
Christopher Bugaj 作者作品表

The New Assistive Tech, Second Edition: Make Learning Awesome for All! (Paperback)

eBook: New Assistive Tech, Second Edition: Make Learning Awesome for All! (DRM EPUB)

eBook: New Assistive Tech, Second Edition: Make Learning Awesome for All! (DRM PDF)

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